D2.1: Use Cases Description and User Requirements Document v1
11.08.2022This document details the first set of use cases identified and specifies the corresponding user requirements.
D2.2: Functional and non-functional enhancements specification v1
28.09.2022This deliverable describes the first set of enhancements of the GEOSS Platform, which respond to the analysed user needs.
D2.3: Use Cases Description and User Requirements Document v2
29.09.2023This document details the second set of use cases identified and the corresponding user requirements.
D2.4: Functional and non-functional enhancements specification v2
29.09.2023This document describes the second set of enhancements of the GEOSS Platform.
D2.5: Use Cases Description and User Requirements Document v3
30.11.2024This document details the third set of use cases identified and the corresponding user requirements.
D2.6: Functional and non-functional enhancements specification v3
30.11.2024This document describes the third set of enhancements of the GEOSS Platform.
D3.1: Enhanced GEOSS Platform v1 with 1st set of applications
11.01.2023This document describes the software releases corresponding to the evolved GEOSS Platform, integrating the GEOSS Portal, Yellow Pages, GEO DAB and other middleware enhancements, as well as the first set of applications output the first project cycle.
D3.2: Enhanced GEOSS Platform User Manual v1 with 1st set of applications
19.01.2023This document describes the evolved GEOSS Platform, in terms of capabilities and applications offered and of instructions for using them.
D3.3: The GEOSS Overarching Architecture
30.11.2024This document describes the GEOSS Overarching Architecture
D3.4: Enhanced GEOSS Platform v2 with 2nd set of applications
30.11.2024This document describes the second set of applications
D3.5: Enhanced GEOSS Platform User Manual v2 with 2nd set of applications
30.11.2024This document is a second version of the User Manual for the second set of applications
D3.6: The GEOSS Overarching Architecture
30.11.2024This document is the second version of the GEOSS Overarching Architecture description
D3.7: Enhanced GEOSS Platform v3 with 3rd set of applications
30.11.2024This document describes the third set of applications
D3.8: Enhanced GEOSS Platform User Manual v3 with 3rd set of applications
30.11.2024This document is a third version of the User Manual for the third set of applications
D5.2: Register of dissemination and training material v1
29.09.2023This document contains the dissemination material, the courses and training material developed in the project to allow target communities to be aware of the offered services and capabilities and to use and exploit them.
D5.3: Contribution to GEOSS v1
30.11.2024This document describes the contributions to GEOSS